Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Worst Enemy?

i always hear people say that we are our worst enemy. do you or dont you agree!
well i to some extent do agree. check out all your friends if you are a girl tell me is 70% at least are not men.
i guess it is hard to confide in a woman and tell her your deepest darkest secret and pray to the good Lord that she will not blabber!
then another factor that i do not understand, we are so jelous of what our girlfriends acheive! we have made life such a competition that if we do not get to the top soon then we are not living the life. we become uptight and so bitchy its amazing whta we will do for fame! we step all over people who are tring to help us, we forget that we still the people who have lower positions that us. we insult eachother, call others names and do not evn care a bit about what or how they feel, we force tho who work for us if we are bosses work so hard and do not even stop to say 'well done'. it is the simple things in life we forget and they will someday come and bite us. we have no respect for eachother as long as we get what we want in life, 'to get to the top'
anyway this is just the way of life
watch your back and be careful who your true friends are.
Women we ought to be careful. what happened to women care, they are un to be around, they can be trusted, they will help us through.